Author Archives: admin
Spicy tomato soup
I felt like updating my blog again, so I did. This time I’m writing in English. I will see if i make the blog bilingual in the future. The reason why I wanted to update again after three years was because I made a deliciuous tomato soup.
2 cans of tomatoes, I used one chopped and one whole, peeled
1 Yellow onion
2 cloves of garlic
2 small spicy chillies
2 big green chillies, or one green bell pepper
1 can of mushrooms
1 cube of vegetable stock
1 carrot
1 parsnip
olive oil, cumin, cinnamon, oregano, and maybe some honey or sugar according to taste.
Start chopping the onions and garlic, while heating up some olive oil in a pot. add onion, garlic and mushroms and fry until the onion is soft. Meanwhile chop chillies, carrot and turnip and add when the onion is soft.
Add spices, except oregano. And pour in the tomatoes.
Let boil for around 10 minutes add some water if needed.
When it smells nice, add oregano, and let simmer one more minute.
Use a blender/mixer, to make the soup smooth. Serve hot. If you like, put a dash of quark/sourcream/smetana/high fat yoghurt on top
Det här såg ju så gott ut i menyn, och när det kom in men… Skenet bedrar! Hela denna dessert som kallades Lolo Longan består av snö! Över vilken man hällt en gräddig, artificiellt smaksatt sås. Och garnerat med enstaka longan-frukter, det enda goda.
Masala tosah
Precis landat i Kuala Lumpur på självaste julafton. Hittade en indisk sylta vid hotellet som gjorde en Masala dosa son var bättre än både mina egna försök och, mer förvånande, bättre än de jag ätit i Indien. Mer och andra kryddor här.
Sveriges ambitiösaste falafeltallrik
Zagros kolgrill i Skäggetorp serverar detta